The Project is split into six interconnected work packages
To provide the evidence base needed to support the Montreal Protocol at this important time in its history, new scientific developments are needed in several interlinked disciplines. InHALE will make new advances by bringing together a team of leading experts from academia, industry, and government. Through a combination of atmospheric and laboratory measurements, and using advanced numerical modelling techniques, we will:
- WP1 – Expand atmospheric halocarbon measurements in key source regions and quantify halocarbon emissions from previously under-sampled areas.
- WP2 – Better understand the relationship between halocarbon production, use and emissions, and quantify remaining “banks”, which will persist in the environment for decades.
- WP3 – Determine recent and likely future trends in emissions of short-lived ozone depleting compounds not controlled under the Montreal Protocol and quantify their contribution to ozone depletion.
- WP4 – Examine the atmospheric chemistry of halocarbon breakdown products, particularly for HFC replacements, to determine the potential for unanticipated negative environmental consequences.
- WP5 – Develop new estimates of the climate impact of halocarbons and provide significant updates to metrics with which to inter-compare their impact on ozone layer recovery and climate change.
- WP6 – Impact and dissemination