Kick-off meeting

The InHALE project held its Kick-Off meeting on the 26th and 27th of January at the University of Bristol. This was held as a hybrid meeting with a group of six people joining online and 26 in person.

Over two days we heard a range of engaging talks from the work package leaders and science talks from other parts of the project. Each day talks were interspersed with a lab tour. On Thursday, small group tours were made of the Spectroscopy Facilities in the Chemistry Department which will be used in work package 4. After a day full of science on Thursday, meeting delegates enjoyed a relaxed meal at a local independent restaurant walking distance from the University in Cotham, Bristol.

Fridays lab tour of the Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group was very popular with the measurement community. The meeting was concluded with compelling keynote talk by Susan Solomon from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thank you Susan for getting up at 6am to share your work with us!